Sunday, February 10, 2013


Mr. Mayo challenged us to a make a 60 second video focused around a mystery prop. It was exciting and a little nerve wracking knowing that whatever item we pulled from the black plastic bag would be the inspiration for our show. One group got a bloody severed head, so we knew we had to be prepared for anything! Our "anything" turned out to be a birds nest with three eggs in it --- maybe not as exciting as a decapitated head, but we knew we could work with it. After a lengthy brainstorming session, we decided on a theme of suspense. Would the itty bitty birdies survive the fall from the treetop or end up a scrambled mess on the pavement below?
We used sound effects and music to add both drama and humor to our film. And of course Ross came through with a brilliant performance. This one minute film, from conception to final editing, took us many hours to produce. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.
The experience will be helpful with our upcoming CAP Hollywood Project because it was a good exercise in using our skills and imaginations to create a concept and captivating story in a limited amount of time.

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