Sunday, April 21, 2013

Clapper Rail

Almost as soon as we stepped off the boat onto Smith Isand, we saw our first great bird --- another life bird for me. It was a clapper rail! An elderly birder named Howard had pulled out his iPod near a patch of reeds and began playing the bird's call. It's breeding season, so the rail appeared immediately and he was hopping mad. He figured he had a rival on his territory and he was ready to kick some butt. I'm not sure what went through his mind when he found a bunch of gawking people toting monster telephoto lenses (which were of no use since the bird was within arm's reach) instead. He stayed out in the open for quite a while giving everybody great looks. He was making a loud barking/coughing sound the whole time. The picture below that was taken by Evelyn Ralston.
Clapper Rail, so close that my 400 mm lens could not capture the whole bird! Smith island  IMG_1727

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