Monday, October 1, 2012

Archival Footage

2:04-2:16 soldiers running in formation

4:54- 5:10 bombs exploding

5:33- 534 cannons being fired

7:00-7:12 planes exploding

7:30-7:32 plane exploding in mid air

8:16- 8:28 footage of soldiers
For our Dystopia Trailer Projects, my job was to find archival footage that would fit into our premise. The premise my group decided on was that after a long period of war the government banned creativity to keep the citizens in line. I decided that I could use some news reels from WWII to show the time period of hatred and war. I am satisfied with what I found. The Internet archive is a gold mine for quality footage of various eras that don't have copyright licenses. If anyone out there is doing a project about history and needs footage, or knows someone who needs historical footage, show them this website. I can not express how helpful and just flat out cool these movies are. I know I went a little crazy with detail with the second movie, but it had great war battle footage and dogfight videos with in it, just what my group needs to set our scene.

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