Sunday, December 9, 2012

Model Rockets

Every December, my friends and I go launch model rockets at the college my mom's friend's husband works at (if you managed to keep that straight then kudos to you sir or madam) every year I take video of the event, but I never post it on the Internet. Since I'm already posting on this blog why not make this year the year I finally put this kind of thing online. Anyway, the whole thing is very 1950's-ish in the aspect that the men go and launch things into the heavens, while the women stay home and make Christmas cookies. And before you think I'm a sexist jerk let me explain... the kitchen that is used to bake the treats is tiny and cramped enough as it is and with the 3 teen girls and 5 women there is just no room for the guys in there. In fact we are normally kicked out of the kitchen for taking up too much space. So 3 years ago today my mom's friend's husband (I'm just going to call him Tom from now on) took me, Nick, and the other boys and their dads to go launch their model rockets. And let me say that over the las two years the lost rocket count has dropped significantly. Actually a few years ago a rocket came straight down on us and no parachute deployed so it was going to drill into the ground and what did we do? We stood there like idiots filming the danged thing untill we realized that the parachute wasn't comming out and it was roughly 50 feet above the ground. But don't worry nobody was hurt. Anyways Here's the video I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Excellent job Brian! I guess we need a bigger rocket to get the Alien back to Mars-maybe next year.


  2. You guys rock it! Love the alien.
