Sunday, May 19, 2013

CAPhollywood Weekly Reflection #3

We are down to the wire. Our film is due by the end of the week, and we still need to edit our ending. We finally finished filming so we just need to mix it all up and drag in some music. Ugh. That is if we can find some appropriate music that doesn't suddenly go offline, because that's been the biggest problem we've been experiencing this week. We select the perfect background music only to have it disappear when we are forced to use a different PC. Our group has had to move from computer to computer multiple times and that has caused us to lose some audio files. We've even lost our introductory voice over which is a real problem. That voice over sets the scene for our story and introduces the viewer to our main character, a teenage girl, and to her involvement in the counterfeit money industry. Hopefully we can retrieve the old voice over from the hard drive of our original PC, otherwise we're toast. We will have to re-record that segment and it's been difficult to schedule time with our actress. We have to edit and export out entire completed film by the 24th, this Friday. I have faith in my group; we're all efficient editors and we have plenty of time to edit this week on the days when we're not taking HSAs. I will also have to put in some editing time after school to punch it up and make it good enough to get an A. Our story is worth watching, and in only three to four minutes, we tell a compelling tale. I want it to be professional enough to deserve a showing on the big screen at CAP Hollywood night.  I'm a little nervous because the school year is rapidly coming to an end and other stuff is starting to pile up. I have this film project, my Sophomore change project and all of my other classes gearing up for final exams. Stress!
Okay, where did it go THIS time!

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