Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekly Reflection #1

This week we started the post production phase of the CAP Hollywood project. We're done filming and now it's time for me to do what I do best, lock myself in a windowless editing suite for hours on end making this thing look GORGEOUS. Starting last Tuesaday, I helped import and plan post production, including things like scheduling when people can stay after school and when we can get Alison to come in and record all of her voice overs. She is the actor playing our main character so that complicates things. The group edited act one of the film last week, but it's a little worrisome that we only have two weeks to edit this. I'm pretty we'll work it out. For next week, I need to figure out how to incorporate all the ambient noises from the shots but without having the sounds of my group giving stage directions behind the camera. Here's a clip of Alison getting prompted on how to look panicked. I love the noise of the Metro in the tunnel, but I can't have the sound of people telling her what to do.

This is just one of the many things I'm going to sort out next week. I'm really excited to see how this is going to turn out.

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