Friday, October 12, 2012

Mr. Mayo, open this gate! Mr. Mayo, tear down these rules!

As you may have seen in the post title, where I co-opted Reagan's famous Berlin Wall Speech, because the rules for the blog post have been changed. So I will do some specific school assignments here, but for a majority of the time you're going to be reading what concerns and interests me day to day. I promise I will write one post per week, but I will do more if I can. I think up until election day this blog will mainly focus on politics and the 2012 election campaign. I honestly love politics and political comedians like John Stuart, Steven Colbert, Conan O'Brien, and Bill Maher. You could probably guess where I myself stand on politics by my favorite comedians. Well,  I'm going to say it anyway, I am an EXTREME liberal when it comes to social issues. In fact it shocks my own mother, who usually votes straight democratic on the ballot (except for Leggett, she leaves that spot blank). Anyway I was very glad about the outcome of the vice presidential debate, because it allowed a sort of redemption for the Democratic party. I think Obama had planned to work off of the idea that Romney was going to cut taxes for the rich , but when Romney said that wasn't his plan it invalidated almost all of Obama's argument and he didn't call him out on this blatant lie. After that huge failure I literally cried myself to sleep. But I wasn't the only one who took the loss to heart. Just look at this clip of Chris Matthews after the debate. He's beside himself in shock and disbelief at Obama's pathetic performance. And I apologize about the short camera man interruption, but it was the best footage I could find.

Now, Joe Biden, I love what he did. He basically took Romney's debate strategy and used it against Ryan. He slammed Ryan and basically pushed him around, because he basically that there are real and substantial differences here. He and Obama will protect and look out for the working American public. The Republicans will take care of their rich cronies at the expense of everyone else." It's that simple. Again, I'm just so relieved that the Vice Presidential debate  well was such a contrast to the earlier presidential one. It puts us back in the running, and sets the stage for a chance for Barack Obama to really resurrect his bid for a second term.

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