Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Hunger Games Trailer

The Hunger Games. Gary Ross PG-13 2012

Happy Hunger Games everyone! This book and movie are models of dystopia in its purest form. The entire premise of the story is set up perfectly in a masterful trailer less than three minutes long.
The trailer captures viewers' attention in the various 6-10 second scenes that raise many unanswered questions, such as, "Wait, why do 24 teenagers need to kill each other?" And, "Why does Katniss live in poverty while the capitol city is the epitome of greed and wealth?" We are drawn in by the tension and drama of an older sister sacrificing her very life to save her innocent younger sibling in a society gone horribly wrong; a society where children between the ages of twelve and eighteen are forced to live in fear of being chosen for the fateful games.
The trailer's vivid portrayal of the action draws the audience in and makes them hunger for more Hunger Games. The music keeps building up to a crescendo until suddenly a cold, steely voice starts the countdown to the beginning of the games. Then, abruptly all goes silent. When the number reaches zero, the games begin, enthralling the audience with a shot of the 24 contestants bursting violently in all directions from the center of the frame. In this brief and amazingly effective trailer,  the viewer is keenly aware that the die-hard Katniss Everdeen of district 12 is the protagonist of this story. And there is no question that the president of Paneam is a menacing, despicable character.
This trailer sets a very high standard. I only hope that my dystopia trailer project will be half as good. At the very least, I'm incredibly inspired by this flawless example.

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