Sunday, November 4, 2012

Minecraft idea expanded

So after writing my Minecraft 1.4 update showcase with a picture gallery, I thought that the pictures took up a lot of space and it just didn't seem as natural as just talking to my friends about the new update. So to benefit myself and you (because I'm sure that all that scrolling was killing your finger) I've been looking into some screen recording software, and found a few highly rated programs that I'll do demos of later this week. Hopefully in the somewhat near future this blog will transform into a Minecraft vlog with some explanations, back story or left out information in the text area of the blog. I'm sorry that I couldn't get anything else really up on this blog but with Hurricane Sandy and everything things have gotten pretty rocky around here. Thankfully everyone is okay and I still have power. Now that things are easing up I promise that I will get that vlog up and running in a few weeks after I get recording software and an editing software that I'm comfortable with. Again I apologize that I don't have any big news about the block-y world of Minecraft but if you are reading this post to see something epic I will give you a sneak peak at something BIG coming to my Minecraft server soon.
Know what it is? If the answer to that question was yes, then you're either one of my close friends, a stalker or a mindreader. Well if you didn't know what this is, don't worry I didn't intend for this picture to make itself. So I'll leave you with that thought this week and I'll see you later everyone.

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