Sunday, November 18, 2012

Safety Not Guaranteed

I watched an independent, low budget movie this weekend that I highly recommend. My mom told me about it, so I thought it would be a “chick flick” with a predictable plot, a happy ending and a big sugary helping of romance. Thankfully, this movie is the opposite of predictable. The story follows a reporter and two young interns from Seattle Magazine as they try to find and figure out a man who placed a personal ad in the magazine seeking someone to be his companion for time traveling. Is the time traveler a mental patient or a just a little dim?  The discoveries these 3 magazine workers make on this assignment are profound and at times hilarious. I found myself rooting for the existence of magic and actual time travel long before the astonishing end to this movie. The cast is largely unknown, with the only familiar face that of Aubrey Plaza, who plays the same sort of jaded and deadpan character she portrays in the TV show Parks and Recreation. In this movie she is transformed as she gets to know the reclusive, strangely child-like grocery store clerk with big time travelling plans. This time machine builder who placed the ad is played by Mark Duplass, who along with his brother Jay produced the film. Mark and Jay make a very creative team, having been band mates in the independent rock band “Volcano, I’m Still Excited” in Louisiana. In “Safety”, Mark’s nerdy, boyish character quickly gains our devotion.  These likable characters embark on an adventure where they are the classic underdogs, with little hope of success and yet

The movie ends with a surprising and uplifting bang. I recommend you settle in and watch this movie next weekend. It’s a really nice way to spend a couple of hours.
Here take a look at this trailer...

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