Sunday, November 25, 2012

Some Changes To My Idea For Recording Mincraft

Several posts ago I talked about recording myself commentating Minecraft gameplay. Well I took some time to think about how long it would take just to record one episode.... a day in Minecraft is 10 minutes, dawn and dusk are 1 and a half minutes each, and night is 4 minutes long. That's 20 minutes from one morning to another. Nobody has the kind of free time to sit around for 20+ minutes watching some dude play a game. So I'm yet again changing my plan: I'm going to be filming short stories called machinimas. These movies are generally made as a person is playing a game and can range from 2-3 minutes. They can be really short - just for kicks - or they can be as long as a feature length move. I promise I will only post only short "just for kicks" videos on this blog. Machinimas have become increasingly popular lately and there is even a company (Machimina) solely dedicated to making these movies.
Here is one of my personal favorites from Machimina. I can explain what he is talking about in the first 30 seconds or so. Earlier in the year the Minecraft 1.3.1 update was released and VASTLY expanded the possibilities of the program. The update also allowed players to trade with the villagers in the game. The video below  shows how the company poked fun at the update.
Sorry about the advertisment trailer for a Halo movie at the end of the clip, but Machinima also made that movie and they're showing off their  creations. Anyway, here's the machinima.

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