Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Religulous Review

Documentary Review

Bill Maher, a self-admitted “potty mouthed, pot smoking atheist” created the documentary Religulous in 2008. This movie was his effort to expose the largest organized religions in the world as insane, irrational and destructive. Maher inserts himself into this film in the same way he runs his late night show on Fridays on HBO, “Real Time with Bill Maher”. That show mixes round table discussions that include politicians, Hollywood celebrities and academics with a healthy dose of his monologues from his stand-up comedy routines. And just like in his TV show, Maher appears in almost every shot of Religulous. He often looks straight into the camera and rolls his eyes or feigns shock to show that he and the viewer are connected and share the same opinion. That makes Religulous an interactive documentary, a documentary that is actually more entertainment than it is an exposé of the absurdities of religion.

In Religulous (a combination of the words ‘religion’ and ‘ridiculous’), Maher travels the globe speaking to every kind of religious person, including the devout as well as the hypocritical. He asks them to explain their faith and the nature of their God. Maher claims that he would like to believe in God, but says that no one has been able to say anything intelligent or convincing enough to persuade him. In this movie he talks to shop owners selling “holy” items, small town preachers, televangelists, a man from “Jews for Jesus”, a fundamentalist Christian U.S. Senator, Vatican priests, a religious astrologist, secular Muslims, gay Muslims, Mormons and ex-Mormons in Salt Lake City, and people in Jerusalem and the Arab peninsula. He reveals what is stupid, foolish and narrow-minded in the philosophy of each of these people.  

Although most of the interviewees are pretty harmless as an individual, their total intolerance of anyone with a different view hints at what Maher thinks is the worst aspect of organized religion – black and white thinking – an inability to accept those with an opposing view. There is an apocalyptic thread throughout the movie that reaches a dramatic and terrifying conclusion at the end when a montage of terrorist bombings, mushroom clouds, starving refugees and hate-filled religious demonstrators flash furiously on the screen while Maher does a voice over arguing that religion isn’t just ridiculous, it is fatal. Millions have already suffered and died in the name of various gods he says, and religion will ultimately destroy humanity.

Even so, Religulous is an entertaining movie. At first is certainly seems to give religious people a voice, but really Bill Maher has dealt himself the better hand in these interviews. The people he interviews are easy to scoff at and aren’t capable of putting up much of a fight. Maher doesn’t interview the intellectual heavy hitters of modern religion. He interviews a man who claims to be a direct descendant of Jesus Christ, because he believes that Jesus had children. To main stream Christians this idea is preposterous and presenting a fringe character like this serves to make all Christians look ridiculous. Maher also interviews a priest at the Vatican who must have had one cocktail too many before the interview because all he can do is giggle. The list of silly interviewees goes on. Maher interviews American truckers, in their small chapel in a trailer where each person makes up his own personal brand of Christianity. Maher even went so far as to conduct an interview with the actor who plays Jesus at a Disney-esque theme park called “Holy Land”.  It seems to me that if Maher really wanted to make a point he wouldn’t have interviewed this pathetic crowd of naive people, but he would speak to someone as quick witted and intellectual as himself. Since he did not choose worthy adversaries, he lost an opportunity to spark a conversation about the real place for religion in modern society. Instead he turned the movie into a bunch of cheap shots at the absurdity of religion.

As I mentioned, this is an interactive documentary. Bill Maher is on the screen about 96% of the time. Although it was filmed at various locations around the world, it is basically a series of one-on-one interviews edited together with multiple cuts to B- Roll. Maher also uses inter titles to flash his sarcastic comments and rebuttals onto the screen even as his guests attempt to explain their points of view.

I would recommend Religulous to many of my friends; but frankly if you are religious and a faithful church goer, then do not watch this documentary. Maher goes after every single religion without holding back any punches: Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, Evangelists, Christians and Jews beware. Remember that Maher is famous for his being offensive.  Then again, even church goers confess to getting their fair share of laughs from this documentary. And even though it’s not as effective as it could be, this movie does get the viewer thinking about religion and its place in our century.  If you aren’t too sensitive to this kind of humor, Religulous is a thought provoking and enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours.

Religulous, 102 minutes R (for language)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A tragic event

Tragic. Senseless. Devastating. Unimaginable. There really are no words that adequately describe what occurred in a Connecticut elementary school on Friday. The massacre that left 26 people dead, 20 of them little children, leaves a gaping hole in all our hearts. looking for a way to honor those personally affected I attended a vigil on Saturday in down town silver spring. People cried, lit candles, sang and talked about remembering and taking action. there was a discussion about organizing a march on Washington on December 22 to demand that legislation be passed regarding the accessibility of guns. Many also brought up the need for better supports for people with mental illnesses. If you want to learn more about the march, Ed Weingart at MisterDudeDC@me.com

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Model Rockets

Every December, my friends and I go launch model rockets at the college my mom's friend's husband works at (if you managed to keep that straight then kudos to you sir or madam) every year I take video of the event, but I never post it on the Internet. Since I'm already posting on this blog why not make this year the year I finally put this kind of thing online. Anyway, the whole thing is very 1950's-ish in the aspect that the men go and launch things into the heavens, while the women stay home and make Christmas cookies. And before you think I'm a sexist jerk let me explain... the kitchen that is used to bake the treats is tiny and cramped enough as it is and with the 3 teen girls and 5 women there is just no room for the guys in there. In fact we are normally kicked out of the kitchen for taking up too much space. So 3 years ago today my mom's friend's husband (I'm just going to call him Tom from now on) took me, Nick, and the other boys and their dads to go launch their model rockets. And let me say that over the las two years the lost rocket count has dropped significantly. Actually a few years ago a rocket came straight down on us and no parachute deployed so it was going to drill into the ground and what did we do? We stood there like idiots filming the danged thing untill we realized that the parachute wasn't comming out and it was roughly 50 feet above the ground. But don't worry nobody was hurt. Anyways Here's the video I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Family Picture

Saturday I spent the entire afternoon in a mall in Waldorf, Marylad getting a family portrait done at the JC Penney photo studio. Everything went Okay... except for the traffic on the way down. It was horrendous, on Route 301 nobody was moving, and if they were it was probably at an average speed of 3 mph. Ugh! And our family from Southern Maryland complains about the traffic in Montgomery County?! Please! That drive that should have taken about 45 minutes to an hour took an hour and a half.
We were the last ones to get to Penneys for the picture my Grandma has been wishing and wishing for: all FOURTEEN of us (2 grandparents, their 3 daughters, their 3 spouses and SIX grandbabies including me!). After the formal shot, we did a picture of all 14 of us again but wearing sunglasses and making faces. My biker aunt insisted on this goofy one. Then we split up into different group and took more pictures - one of each of the 3 families, one of just the 6 grandchildren, one of the grandparents, and one of the three moms/sisters. Yea... lots of pictures! Now you have to keep in mind how... very different my family is from each other. Personality-wise and physically. We've got a cast of characters. For example my aunts are both 6 feet tall but their sister (my mom) is only 5'3".  The 6 grandchildren are very different. We range in age from 2 to 21. Two are high school graduates, one is a Junior, I am a sophomore, and then we have a third grader and a toddler in his terrible twos! It was So difficult to make him hold still for a nanosecond for even one picture. We've got red heads, brunettes and blonds. We've got Harley bike club members, ambulance drivers, retired Navy, a teacher, an airplane mechanic a technowizard and a professional nurse. I have to tell you that my parents and I were the only liberals in the picture. Wait why did politics come into this? Only because politics ALWAYS comes up with this group of highly opinionated people. But we love each other VERY much and I'm glad that we have the pictures to show for this long afternoon of sitting and waiting. It was worth it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Some Changes To My Idea For Recording Mincraft

Several posts ago I talked about recording myself commentating Minecraft gameplay. Well I took some time to think about how long it would take just to record one episode.... a day in Minecraft is 10 minutes, dawn and dusk are 1 and a half minutes each, and night is 4 minutes long. That's 20 minutes from one morning to another. Nobody has the kind of free time to sit around for 20+ minutes watching some dude play a game. So I'm yet again changing my plan: I'm going to be filming short stories called machinimas. These movies are generally made as a person is playing a game and can range from 2-3 minutes. They can be really short - just for kicks - or they can be as long as a feature length move. I promise I will only post only short "just for kicks" videos on this blog. Machinimas have become increasingly popular lately and there is even a company (Machimina) solely dedicated to making these movies.
Here is one of my personal favorites from Machimina. I can explain what he is talking about in the first 30 seconds or so. Earlier in the year the Minecraft 1.3.1 update was released and VASTLY expanded the possibilities of the program. The update also allowed players to trade with the villagers in the game. The video below  shows how the company poked fun at the update.
Sorry about the advertisment trailer for a Halo movie at the end of the clip, but Machinima also made that movie and they're showing off their  creations. Anyway, here's the machinima.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Safety Not Guaranteed

I watched an independent, low budget movie this weekend that I highly recommend. My mom told me about it, so I thought it would be a “chick flick” with a predictable plot, a happy ending and a big sugary helping of romance. Thankfully, this movie is the opposite of predictable. The story follows a reporter and two young interns from Seattle Magazine as they try to find and figure out a man who placed a personal ad in the magazine seeking someone to be his companion for time traveling. Is the time traveler a mental patient or a just a little dim?  The discoveries these 3 magazine workers make on this assignment are profound and at times hilarious. I found myself rooting for the existence of magic and actual time travel long before the astonishing end to this movie. The cast is largely unknown, with the only familiar face that of Aubrey Plaza, who plays the same sort of jaded and deadpan character she portrays in the TV show Parks and Recreation. In this movie she is transformed as she gets to know the reclusive, strangely child-like grocery store clerk with big time travelling plans. This time machine builder who placed the ad is played by Mark Duplass, who along with his brother Jay produced the film. Mark and Jay make a very creative team, having been band mates in the independent rock band “Volcano, I’m Still Excited” in Louisiana. In “Safety”, Mark’s nerdy, boyish character quickly gains our devotion.  These likable characters embark on an adventure where they are the classic underdogs, with little hope of success and yet

The movie ends with a surprising and uplifting bang. I recommend you settle in and watch this movie next weekend. It’s a really nice way to spend a couple of hours.
Here take a look at this trailer...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Capture the Fall

Hey, so, this is the Capture the Fall independent video assignment. For my video I decided that I would take some stills of the woods and footage of the Northwest Branch watershed near where I live--- then add some transitions and music. The end result is a sort of video/slide show that highlights the beauty of nature in autumn. I hike here all the time with my family, including my dog.
This production was also a good opportunity for me to experiment with editing video at home. Up until now, I've spent a lot of after school hours editing in the studio. Equipment's in short supply and it means getting home really late. I tried out Windows MovieMaker on my PC and got a good result even though the software is not quite as professional as Final Cut. It would be great if there was a Windows version of Final Cut. I'm going to look into it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Minecraft idea expanded

So after writing my Minecraft 1.4 update showcase with a picture gallery, I thought that the pictures took up a lot of space and it just didn't seem as natural as just talking to my friends about the new update. So to benefit myself and you (because I'm sure that all that scrolling was killing your finger) I've been looking into some screen recording software, and found a few highly rated programs that I'll do demos of later this week. Hopefully in the somewhat near future this blog will transform into a Minecraft vlog with some explanations, back story or left out information in the text area of the blog. I'm sorry that I couldn't get anything else really up on this blog but with Hurricane Sandy and everything things have gotten pretty rocky around here. Thankfully everyone is okay and I still have power. Now that things are easing up I promise that I will get that vlog up and running in a few weeks after I get recording software and an editing software that I'm comfortable with. Again I apologize that I don't have any big news about the block-y world of Minecraft but if you are reading this post to see something epic I will give you a sneak peak at something BIG coming to my Minecraft server soon.
Know what it is? If the answer to that question was yes, then you're either one of my close friends, a stalker or a mindreader. Well if you didn't know what this is, don't worry I didn't intend for this picture to make sense...by itself. So I'll leave you with that thought this week and I'll see you later everyone.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Minecraft 1.4 Update Review

I've decided to do something new with this blog...Minecraft!

I woke up this morning, hours before Hurricane Sandy is going to strike the east coast and I said to myself, "If I'm going to make this blog personal, I'm going to write about something close to my heart and the hearts of 8 million people and counting. Minecraft. Minecraft is an online game that is basically a sandbox world  - meaning you, your friends and anyone else in the world can play it however you see fit. This is like building with virtual Legos. There are rocks and ores and various other resources in this block land with which you can build a fort, a castle, a house, a tower, or anything at all you can imagine. That's the real point of Minecraft: to be transported into a world of your very own making, without global warming and wars and those kinds of things.

On Thursday, the 25th  I was watching a video about the upcoming Minecraft update and was shocked to find out that it was released the day before! I started exploring right away.

Here I present some screenshots of what's new in this update, All you, the viewer, need to do is scroll down and look and have your mind dazzled by this improved world of blocks. The update is impressive.

A lot of things were added into the update so I'll try to keep it short and simple.Bats have been added to the Minecraft universe, and I saw a bunch but they move so fast that I couldn't get any clear screenshots.  It seems they're just there to add to the cave-y creepy underground feel. Like most other creatures, bats spawn in caves and other dark places.

Witches have also been added. They are hostile creatures that will attack a player with various throwable potions of poison and instant damage. A creature to be feared! I did manage to get a picture of the witch. They look a lot like a regular NPC villager: they wear shirts that hide their hands and they have gigantic Squidward-like noses on their ridiculously large heads. I could not stop laughing when I discovered that they have a small wart on that Squidward nose. Here's a screen shot of the witch...
Do you see the wart on the right side of the nose?

Also added into the game were two vegetables, one of which I'm very grateful for (keep reading). Here's a screenshot of the first veg, the carrot. 
You can tell these are carrots by the little bit of orange sticking out of the ground. Carrots can be planted and farmed over and over and over, so if you have one - you have infinity.

Same goes for the next vegetable - infinity. And if you want to know why I like the this vegetable, I'll tell you. My ancestors span quite a few heritages. I'm Polish, Welsh, English, German, Austrian, French, and Irish. The last heritage is why this vegetable is dear to me. Potatoes were added into the game! So even when I'm playing Minecraft I can embrace my inner potato-loving Irishman. Here's a picture of the potatoes in Minecraft:
The list of new stuff in this update just keeps gorwing. Flower pots! If you play Minecraft and like to garden, then just craft yourself a flowerpot and be the Father Lawrence of Minecraft . (Anyone see the Shakespeare reference there?) Here's a picture of the flower pots and all the plants that can be planted in them.
Heads were added into the game as well. Not to say that the Minecraft characters didn't have heads before this update... these heads are decoration blocks that look like the heads of creatures in the game. Here's the screenshot, and don't worry, no Minecraft creatures were hurt in the making of this blog post.
These heads can also be placed on the player as a hat so they can look like any one of these creatures. And a simple solution has been added into the game for fixing a Minecrafter's worst nightmere, the inability to fix broken tools. In the picture below, my golden sword is nearly broken. I honestly want to keep my sword so I'll use the newly added anvil tool to fix it.

The anvil also alllows you to rename items. So I'm renaming this gold sword a "butter sword" because golden tools have lame durability of butter. Also gold ingots look uncannily like sticks of butter.
Now as I add more gold ingots the durability of the butter sword goes up, up and away! Repairs do cost experience points (XP), but it's worth it
As seen in the picture below, it will cost me 4 gold ingots and 13 XP to fully restore my butter sword.
Also in this update you can now dye leather armor any color you want. Here's a picture of my character in a great looking Irish green set of armor.
This is a great picture because it also shows how players can now take any item they want and frame it. That's how I made the insignia in the background Also, he's holding the nether star which is used to craft beacon blocks. I'll tell you about those in a future blog post because I think I just tore a ligament typing this post... just kidding. The basic point of the beacons is to make a beam in the air which creates a zone around it giving the player a boost like jumping higher or being stronger. Now there are a lot of things that I didn't cover in this post. But that's because I want you, the viewer, to got to minecraft.net and buy Minecraft 1.4 to explore the new possibilities. I even hyperlinked it for you... I'm so nice :).

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Fifth and Kennedy "Gang"

Funny story really... I’m now a junior member of the Fifth and Kennedy Street "Gang", a "gang" of teenage boys who ruled a downtown DC neighborhood in the 1950s. They’re in their seventies now, but they still hang out together and get kicked out of the occasional restaurant, Ocean City bar or drag show in Key West.

This whole thing started a few weeks ago when I was in downtown Silver Spring with my film group working on our dystopian trailer. We were shooting a fight scene in the mall. It was so obvious it was staged. Our slaps and punches never connected; we were like bad actors doing a Three Stooges skit. And we were laughing. And one of us was recording it on a video camera. And I was in a not very believable costume as an old man with a cane, my hair spray painted gray. Then a mall cop came over to us and said, “Hey, put that away. No taking pictures in the mall.” We obediently followed his instructions and stopped recording but he was not satisfied. He said, “I’m afraid I can’t have you taking pictures in the mall. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.”  It didn’t really matter; we already got all the footage we needed, but we acted all upset and grumbled on our way out.

Most families would scold their children for getting kicked out of a mall, not mine! I immediately called my granddad when I got home, because when he was my age he had a BIG problem with authority and did this kind of thing every day. But I don’t think his behavior was innocent like mine. And I don’t think he did much homework on the weekends. Granddad says when he got my voice mail all he could do was yell YAAAAY! This was one proud grandfather; his grandson was finally taking after him. He’s always telling me stories about his days as a member of the Fifth and Kennedy "Gang", and about all the pranks they pulled and cops they ran away from.  He and a few of the other men that were in the "gang" still see each other regularly and even go on vacation together with their wives. One of their wives warned me not to say that I like anything like a glass or a knickknack in a restaurant or at somebody’s house because one of the "gang" will probably “lift” it for me.  They’re still at it.

So Granddad said that he would talk to Bill Steed, another man in the "gang", to see if I could join up now that I got in trouble in the city. About a week later he called me back and said that he discussed the matter with the leading members of the "gang", and in a 3 to 2 vote they named me a junior member of the Fifth and Kennedy "Gang". He said to call him back if I ever get chased off by a real cop, and I’ll probably have a shot at full "gang" membership. So yea, I’m now officially associated with my aunt, my grandfather and a bunch of other senior outlaws. I know, terrifying right?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mr. Mayo, open this gate! Mr. Mayo, tear down these rules!

As you may have seen in the post title, where I co-opted Reagan's famous Berlin Wall Speech, because the rules for the blog post have been changed. So I will do some specific school assignments here, but for a majority of the time you're going to be reading what concerns and interests me day to day. I promise I will write one post per week, but I will do more if I can. I think up until election day this blog will mainly focus on politics and the 2012 election campaign. I honestly love politics and political comedians like John Stuart, Steven Colbert, Conan O'Brien, and Bill Maher. You could probably guess where I myself stand on politics by my favorite comedians. Well,  I'm going to say it anyway, I am an EXTREME liberal when it comes to social issues. In fact it shocks my own mother, who usually votes straight democratic on the ballot (except for Leggett, she leaves that spot blank). Anyway I was very glad about the outcome of the vice presidential debate, because it allowed a sort of redemption for the Democratic party. I think Obama had planned to work off of the idea that Romney was going to cut taxes for the rich , but when Romney said that wasn't his plan it invalidated almost all of Obama's argument and he didn't call him out on this blatant lie. After that huge failure I literally cried myself to sleep. But I wasn't the only one who took the loss to heart. Just look at this clip of Chris Matthews after the debate. He's beside himself in shock and disbelief at Obama's pathetic performance. And I apologize about the short camera man interruption, but it was the best footage I could find.

Now, Joe Biden, I love what he did. He basically took Romney's debate strategy and used it against Ryan. He slammed Ryan and basically pushed him around, because he basically that there are real and substantial differences here. He and Obama will protect and look out for the working American public. The Republicans will take care of their rich cronies at the expense of everyone else." It's that simple. Again, I'm just so relieved that the Vice Presidential debate  well was such a contrast to the earlier presidential one. It puts us back in the running, and sets the stage for a chance for Barack Obama to really resurrect his bid for a second term.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Archival Footage

2:04-2:16 soldiers running in formation

4:54- 5:10 bombs exploding

5:33- 534 cannons being fired

7:00-7:12 planes exploding

7:30-7:32 plane exploding in mid air

8:16- 8:28 footage of soldiers
For our Dystopia Trailer Projects, my job was to find archival footage that would fit into our premise. The premise my group decided on was that after a long period of war the government banned creativity to keep the citizens in line. I decided that I could use some news reels from WWII to show the time period of hatred and war. I am satisfied with what I found. The Internet archive is a gold mine for quality footage of various eras that don't have copyright licenses. If anyone out there is doing a project about history and needs footage, or knows someone who needs historical footage, show them this website. I can not express how helpful and just flat out cool these movies are. I know I went a little crazy with detail with the second movie, but it had great war battle footage and dogfight videos with in it, just what my group needs to set our scene.

Monday, September 24, 2012

5x5 project

1. medium shot of tying shoes

2. medium shot of legs walking a dog

3. high angle of running legs

4. medium shot of running on a treadmill

5. medium shot of resting and dropping shoes

I am very pleased with the way that this 5x5 turned out. I went to walk the dog and said to my self, hey I'll do a 5x5 about walking. But I couldn't have done any of it with out the help of my mom who agreed to get on the ground and film a lot of shots of my legs and feet with my flip video camera. I then imported my clips to wevideo, an online video editor. If someone out there wants to get into video, but doesn't have an editing software, then tell them about wevideo. The best part about it is that it directly exports your project to YouTube.

For the next independent video i think it might be kind of cool for students to have a v-log of their interdisciplinary project. It would be cool for other students to see what their class mate got out of the experience and for teachers to see how they influenced us along the way.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Hunger Games Trailer

The Hunger Games. Gary Ross PG-13 2012

Happy Hunger Games everyone! This book and movie are models of dystopia in its purest form. The entire premise of the story is set up perfectly in a masterful trailer less than three minutes long.
The trailer captures viewers' attention in the various 6-10 second scenes that raise many unanswered questions, such as, "Wait, why do 24 teenagers need to kill each other?" And, "Why does Katniss live in poverty while the capitol city is the epitome of greed and wealth?" We are drawn in by the tension and drama of an older sister sacrificing her very life to save her innocent younger sibling in a society gone horribly wrong; a society where children between the ages of twelve and eighteen are forced to live in fear of being chosen for the fateful games.
The trailer's vivid portrayal of the action draws the audience in and makes them hunger for more Hunger Games. The music keeps building up to a crescendo until suddenly a cold, steely voice starts the countdown to the beginning of the games. Then, abruptly all goes silent. When the number reaches zero, the games begin, enthralling the audience with a shot of the 24 contestants bursting violently in all directions from the center of the frame. In this brief and amazingly effective trailer,  the viewer is keenly aware that the die-hard Katniss Everdeen of district 12 is the protagonist of this story. And there is no question that the president of Paneam is a menacing, despicable character.
This trailer sets a very high standard. I only hope that my dystopia trailer project will be half as good. At the very least, I'm incredibly inspired by this flawless example.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Article Reaction

I was intrigued by the title, "Teaching Children to Learn Without Us", but honestly I found the article to be a little over my head. It's pretty obvious that it's directed at teachers and maybe parents. The author states that teachers need to get over the fear of having students plan and decide what and how to study. I have some fear about it myself. I'm always researching stuff I'm interested in on my own. I've found tons of interesting information on many topics, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable trying to teach myself high level math based on basketball like the boy in the article. I rely on my teachers to give me structure and guidance to help me learn. I don't see how teachers could realistically help everyone do totally custom learning when there are so many kids in each class.
Actually a friend of mine goes to a private school centered around this exact kind of idealogy, and unfortunately what really seems to happen is that the students get off task, play video games, and don't accomplish much of anything. I know it doesn't mean that it couldn't work somewhere else but there's potential for a system like this to fail.
Also, I feel like sometimes it would be great to learn about something through one of my passions or interests, but I worry that if that's what we did all the time I'd miss out on learning about new things that I 've never heard about or tried before.
Don't get me wrong. I love technology and I think it's an awesome tool for learning, but I really like hearing new and interesting things directly from my teachers like when Mr. Freeman brings something like how the world was changed by 9/11 to life in one of his lectures. He also lets us participate and share our own ideas through discussions.
I do think it would be cool to learn the material we need to cover and then be able to choose whatever type of project we want (video, poster, song, blog, etc.) to show what we learned.
Actually a friend of mine goes to a private school centered around this exact kind of idealogy, and unfortunately what really seems to happen is that the students get off task, play video games, and don't accomplish anything. I know it doesn't mean that it couldn't work somewhere else but there's potential for a system like this to fail.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie Review

I read a movie review for the Hunger Games in the Washington Post earlier this weekend. I annotated this copy of the review at this link. The basic structure of the article was that the author first set the scene for the article and the movie after giving a brief blurb about the movie setting and the main actress who played Katniss Everdeen. He then gives deep praise to the director of the film for portraying the violence in the story without glorifying violence or making the movie too bloody. Believe me, with The Hunger Games, that task was not easy. The writer then talks about the cast and gives the basic plotline with minimal spoilers. Most readers appreciate that!

The Writer sprinkles his opinion throughout the article and I have to say I mostly agreed with him. He said that even though the director and the talent did a phenomenal job, it would be hard to like the movie if you were not a fan of the book. This is all too true. I saw the movie with a friend who had not read any of the books in the series but I read the first two. I really liked the movie but my friend hated everything about it. I'm going to try to convince him to read the book and give the Games a second chance.

I liked the structure of this review, the way it mixed opinion and commentary about the plot, acting, directing and cinematography. Honestly, I'd like to follow its basic structure, or skeleton, or scaffolding, or whatever you want to call it. However I don't want to be the voice of the people, so I think that everyone should pick their own structure and see where they go with it. But  since I like the structure of this review and I'm just gonna fly with it. But if the way it's set up is unappealing or too difficult to follow for some people, I'm cool with that and I won't really care or scrutinize the way their review is set up.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Post

My name is Brian and I'm a sophomore in CAP. This is my first blog post, not to say I haven't posted anything on the Internet. I have a YouTube channel in progress where I post Let's Play Series for Skyrim and Minecraft. These are my absolute favorite games in the entire world.  When I'm offline, however, I mostly spend time with my family and play with my dog Maxxi. I also love to kayak and hike although Maxxi detests the wretched boats, because she can't swim and has to wear a hot, itchy, uncomfortable life jacket. You'd think that swimming is an instinct for dogs... well you're wrong, Maxxi sinks like a rock.

 I have done many film projects over the last 4 years and if I had to pick a favorite, I'd have to say the WWII movie review. This is because I am a WWII history FANATIC and am passionate about movies about the era. I helped research the cartoon propaganda made by Disney to convince civilians to conserve what they could and to contribute to the war effort.

I honestly believe that these CAP blogs will be an asset to our Change Project because:
-They will allow students that are working on the same project but are not in any of the same classes to communicate.
-The blogs will open up opportunities to share ideas with others.
-The blogs would allow a student who missed a day of work on the Change Project to catch up and contribute.

Images used:
Minecraft world